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Number conversions
String to Number conversion
When we want to convert a String to a number we use Number() function
let goalsScored="4"; let goalsScoredInNum= Number(goalsScored) //Output: 4 //if we check type of goalsScoredInNum it will show as Number console.log(typeof goalsScoredInNum);
Invalid String to Number conversion
When we try to convert the string which cannot be converted into a number the converted value will be NaN i.e, not a number
let scoreSheet = "43 Messi" let scoreSheetInNum= Number(scoreSheet ) //Output: NaN //if we check type of scoreSheetInNum it will show as Number console.log(typeof goalsScoredInNum);
Conversion of Null to Number
When we try to convert null to a number the converted value turns out to be zero
let nullValue= null //this value is null and cannot be converted to number console.log(typeof nullValue); //when we check type it shows Object let ConvertedValue= Number(nullValue) //we try to convert it into number console.log(typeof ConvertedValue); //when we check type of converted value it shows type as number console.log(ConvertedValue); //Output: 0 when we console log the actual value it shows as 0 so null converted to number is 0
Conversion of undefined variable to Number
Direct conversion of any undefined number to a number, will result in NaN however when we check the type of converted variable it shows as Number
let undefinedVal; //undefined variable let convertedUndefinedVal = Number(undefinedVal) console.log(convertedUndefinedVal); //Output: NaN console.log(typeof convertedUndefinedVal); //Output: Number
Conversion of Boolean to Number
When we try to convert a boolean to a Number then true value will result in 1 and false value will result in 0
let booleanVariable = true; //Boolean variable true let convertedBooleanVal = Number(booleanVariable) console.log(convertedBooleanVal); //Output: 1 console.log(typeof convertedBooleanVal); //Output: Number let booleanVariable2 = false; //Boolean variable false let convertedBooleanVal2 = Number(booleanVariable2) console.log(convertedBooleanVal2); //Output: 0 console.log(typeof convertedBooleanVal2); //Output: Number
Boolean Conversions
String to Boolean
When we try to convert String to boolean for any string the converted output will be true except for the empty string for empty string the converted output will be false as shown below
//converting string to boolean let StringVal = "Uday" //String let boolVal = Boolean(StringVal); //converting a String to boolean console.log(typeof boolVal); //type of converted value it shows boolean console.log(boolVal); //Output: true let StringVal2 = "" //emptyString let boolVal2 = Boolean(StringVal2); // converting an empty string to boolean console.log(typeof boolVal2); //type of converted value it shows boolean console.log(boolVal2); //Output: false
Number to Boolean
When we try to convert a number to boolean it convert it to true for any number except for the zero for zero only the converted output will be false as shown below
//converting +ve Number to boolean let NumberVal1 = 4; // +ve number value let BoolNumVal1 = Boolean(NumberVal1); // converting number to boolean console.log(typeof BoolNumVal1); //shows type as boolean console.log(BoolNumVal1); //Output: true //converting 0 to boolean let NumberVal2 = 0; // let BoolNumVal2 = Boolean(NumberVal2); // converting number to boolean console.log(typeof BoolNumVal2); //shows type as boolean console.log(BoolNumVal2); //Output: false //converting -ve Number to boolean let NumberVal3 = -3; // let BoolNumVal3 = Boolean(NumberVal3); // converting number to boolean console.log(typeof BoolNumVal3); //shows type as boolean console.log(BoolNumVal3); //Output: true
Null to Boolean
When we try to convert the Null value to a boolean the converted value will be false
let nullValue = null; let boolValue = Boolean(nullValue); console.log(boolValue) //Output: false console.log(typeof boolValue)//Output: Boolean
undefined to boolean
When we try to convert the undefined value to a boolean the converted value will be false
let undefinedValue = undefined; let boolValue = Boolean(undefinedValue); console.log(boolValue) //Output: false console.log(typeof boolValue)//Output: Boolean
String Conversions
Number to String Using toString() method
We can convert Number to string using the toString method as shown below
let score = 23; //converting the score to String using toString method let scoreInString = score .toString(); console.log(scoreInString); // Output: "23" //if we check typeOf scoreInString it will give output as String console.log(typeof scoreInString)
Number to String Using String function
We can convert Number to string using the String method as shown below
let score = 23; //converting the score to String using toString method let scoreInString = String(score); console.log(scoreInString); // Output: "23" //if we check typeOf scoreInString it will give output as String console.log(typeof scoreInString)
Boolean to String
When we convert boolean to String for boolean true the converted String would be "true" and for boolean false the converted String would be "false" as shown below
let isTrue=true //bool value true let StringVal= String(isTrue); //converting it to string console.log(typeof StringVal); // printing type of StringVal: string console.log(StringVal); //printing value of StringVal: "true" let isFalse=false //bool value false let StringVal2= String(isFalse); //converting it to string console.log(typeof StringVal2); // printing type of StringVal2: string console.log(StringVal2); //printing value of StringVal2: "false"
Undefined to String
When we try to convert undefined to String the converted value would be "undefined" and the type of the converted value will be String
let undefinedValue = undefined; console.log(undefinedValue); let stringValue = String(undefinedValue); console.log(stringValue);//Output: undefined console.log(typeof stringValue);//Output String
Null to String
When we try to convert null to String the converted value would be "null" and the type of the converted value will be String
let nullValue = null; console.log(nullValue); let stringValue = String(nullValue); console.log(stringValue);//Output: undefined console.log(typeof stringValue);//Output String