for loop:
Single for loop: Below is the syntax of a for loop with the example of skipping the even numbers and printing the odd numbers between 1 to 10.
for (let i = 0; i <=10; i++) { const element = i; if (element%2==0) { continue } console.log(element); }
Nested for loop: Below is an example of printing the table of 1 to 5 using the nested for loop.
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { console.log(`inner loop value: ${i}`); for (let j = 1; j <=10 ; j++) { console.log(i +'*'+ j +'='+ i*j); } }
For loop on array: Below is an example of accessing all the elements of an array using the for loop.
const myArray = ['Superman','Batman','Flash'] for (let index = 0; index < myArray.length; index++) { const element = myArray[index]; console.log(element); } /*Output: Superman Batman Flash */
While loop: Below is the syntax for the while loop with an example of printing the even numbers between 0 to 10.
let index = 0 while (index<=10) { console.log(`value of index is ${index}`) index+=2; }
Do-while loop: The do-while loop is similar to the while loop only difference is do-while loop executes at least once as the condition is checked at the end. Below is an example of do-while loop.
let score=11 do { console.log(`score is ${score}`); score++ } while (score <=10); //do while atleast executes 1 time
Array loops: In Javascript, there are some inbuilt loops, particularly for arrays.
For of loop: The demonstration of for of loop on arrays, strings, and maps is as shown below. For this loop, we don't need to give start value, end value, and increment.
//1. For of loop: //example for array const superheroes = ['batman', 'superman','flash'] for (const heroes of superheroes) { console.log(heroes); } /* Output: batman superman flash */ //example for string const greetings = "hello world!" for (const greet of greetings) { console.log(`each character is ${greet}`); } /* Output: each character is h each character is e each character is l each character is l each character is o each character is each character is w each character is o each character is r each character is l each character is d each character is ! */ //example for maps const maps = new Map() maps.set('IN', 'india') maps.set('USA', 'united states of america') maps.set('FR', 'france') maps.set('IN', 'india') //maps allows unique entries order remains same for (const [key,value] of maps) { console.log(key, ':', value); } /* Output: IN : india USA : united states of america FR : france */
For each loop: The demonstration of for-each loop on arrays and objects is as shown below. For this loop, we don't need to give start value, end value, and increment.
const coding = ["js","ruby","java","python","cpp"] coding.forEach( function (item) { console.log(item); } ) /* Output: js ruby java python cpp */ //accessing object properties [object values]from an array using forEach const myCoding = [ { languageName:"javascript", languageFileName: "js" }, { languageName:"java", languageFileName: "java" }, { languageName:"python", languageFileName: "py" }, ] myCoding.forEach( (item) => { console.log(item.languageName); } ) /* Output: javascript java python */
For in loop: The demonstration of for in loop on arrays, ans objects is as shown below. For this loop, we don't need to give start value, end value, and increment.
const myObject = { 'game1': 'NFS', 'game2': 'Spiderman', 'game3': "GTA5", "game4": "COD warzone" } for (const key in myObject) { console.log(`${key} : ${myObject[key]} game is available to play`) } /* Output: game1 : NFS game is available to play game2 : Spiderman game is available to play game3 : GTA5 game is available to play game4 : COD warzone game is available to play */ const programming = ["js","ruby","java","cpp","python"] for (const key in programming) { console.log(programming[key]); } /* Output: js ruby java cpp python */